We believe in training leadership skills in showing people how to do something and teaching them to do it well.
Along with the training and support provided by vPal, your teaching experience is guaranteed to be worthy of your time given to our community.

For many years, US-based volunteer programs in China, known as “Zhijiao”, brought American-born Chinese high school students to China to teach English to people living in rural communities where English literacy is low to non-existent.

vPal works with different local agencies in Shanghai to enrich the summer experience for our volunteers. But more importantly, we establish long term partnership with charitable organizations like Prop Roots in Yunnan, China.
We Are vPal
vPal is a Dover-Sherborn based student group that promotes academic growth in conjunction with community service.
Our international and domestic programs allow students to both service their community through language support and to gain valuable real world teaching experience.
All funds raised will be donated on annual basis to local educational charities like Prop Roots in Yunnan, China.